Bangalore: Most Rev. Dr. Peter Machado preferred to celebrate his patron’s feast in a simple manner at Clergy home in the archbishop’s campus on Saturday, June 29, as the universal Church keeps the solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul. The archbishop is privileged to bear the name of St. Peter, the first vicar of Jesus Christ, on whom He founded the Church.
The Archbishop celebrated the mass along with the retired priests of the diocese. The presence of few other diocesans added to the mood of the celebration. The gathered congregation offered special prayers for his good health and to the ministry that he renders tirelessly to the Bangalore Church.
Monsignori Jayanathan S. and Francis C. felicitated feastarian on behalf of the whole diocese assuring prayers, support and coordination to all the pastoral initiatives.
The homilist of the day, Fr. Patrick Pinto assured his grace, that, “there is always victory for the right and the truth, though the falsehood or evil forces may appear to prosper but in the end God gives the victory, as he gave the greatest victory to Sts. Peter and Paul, the crown of sainthood and eternal life”.
On this day the archbishop Peter is specially remembered and prayers are offered in various parishes and religious houses across Bangalore.
-Fr. Cyril Victor Joseph
Archdiocesan Communication Centre