Bangalore, 29th June 2022: As the Universal Church observes the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul today; it’s also the patronal feast of Archbishop Peter Machado as he bears the name Peter.
On this auspicious day, Archbishop Machado celebrated the solemn Holy Eucharist at Clergy Home Chapel adjacent to the Archbishop’s House.
He then travelled to St. Paul’s Church, Marikuppam in KGF where he presided over the festal mass and administered the sacrament of confirmation for children.
Speaking in his homily, the prelate highlighted certain important characteristics of glorious saints Peter and Paul. He said “Saints Peter and Paul were not alike. They had different calls in their lives. They had their own strengths and weakness. Yet, they overcame everything with the help of the Holy Spirit and proclaimed the Gospel to people. They remained faithful until their martyrdom.”
Archbishop Machado also blessed and inaugurated the newly-built religious house of the FSM Sisters at Marikuppam.
Compiled by: Fr. Vivek Lionel Basu, Secretary to the Archbishop & Mr. Ajay Raj, PRO Office.