Bangalore, 18th March 2020: It was an historical moment for the Bangalore Catholic Church as it launched an exclusive Mobile App under the title “Archdiocese of Bangalore”, in the presence of Most Rev. Dr. Peter Machado, Archbishop of Bangalore and the Archdiocesan Clergy, as they had gathered for their monthly recollection at Paalanaa Bhavana, the Archdiocesan Pastoral Center.Rev. Fr. Cyril Victor, Director of the Archdiocesan Communications Center (ACC) briefed the Clergy on the uses and benefits of the App and also the real problems that the Mobile App platform would solve. The App contains four sections namely Home Page, News & Events, Notifications and Website. Under each section users can access the information like Archbishop’s Engagements, The Archdiocesan Circular, Names and addressees of Parishes with the Mass Timings, Religious Houses, Educational Institutions, Paalanaa Bhavana, the Archdiocesan Commissions and all other related info. The users also can view the photos of Churches along withGPS links to Google maps.The App has an exclusive Advertisement space where Parishes, Religious Houses, Educational Institutions and Christian Businesses can advertise their events, feasts as well as admissions. Daily Readings, Saint of the Day, YouTube video of Sunday Gospel reflections and Catholic Prayer sections are some of the salient features users can avail. Besides these, the App also contains shortcuts for the Official Archdiocesan social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Flickr (Where photos of the events are automatically stored) and Holy Redeemer Radio that airs Catholic spiritual content throughout the Day. One can get real-time updates of the Archdiocese be it the news or the emergency alerts, advisories and be notified of the same.The Archdiocesan Communication Center (ACC) requests the faithful to spread the word about the App and urge your friends, neighbors, and well-wishers to download it from the Google Play store and Apple Store. Those who wish to contribute towards the maintenance of the app can send your donations/ contributions/payments to: Archdiocese of Bangalore (ACC) or NEFT. Account Name: Archdiocese of Bangalore (ACC) Ac/no: 0429101038858. IFSC: CNRB0000429 Canara Bank, Benson Town
For queries regarding Advertisements and the App, please contact Rev. Fr. Cyril Victor, Director, Archdiocesan Communication Center (ACC). Mobile: 9886424928, Email: frcyrilvictor@gmail.com.
Mr. Ajay Raj
Assistant, PRO Office
Archdiocese of Bangalore