At the monthly recollection of Archdiocesan and Religious priests, November 21st, Archbishop Peter Machado stressed the need for simplicity of life-style and concentration on the poor in our parishes. The Prelate who was preaching the recollection to over 150 priests at Paalana Bhavan (Archbishop’s House annexe) dwelt on the theme of the ‘World Day of the Poor’ instituted by Pope Francis. Speaking at length on the need for us to hearken to the cries of the poor he exhorted the clergy to cultivate a deep sense of compassion for those who live on the periphery. He laid stress on house-visiting, especially the houses of the poor in order to know their pains and struggles caused by poverty. The Prelate also urged priests to cut-down on lavish spending for parish feasts and other celebrations and use the contributions that people make to help the poor, especially sponsoring the education of children. He suggested that priests could contact the richer people in the parish, explain to them the joys and blessings they would receive in sponsoring a child’s education. In the interactions that followed on these lines Fr. John Abraham explained how at his parish, with one announcement for helping poor children, received a tremendous response with parishioners pouring in donations. Speaking of simplicity of life, the Archbishop appealed to priests to live a simple life so that the poor will not see themselves distanced. He was speaking on the lines of Pope Francis’ message on the Second World Day of the Poor. The Archbishop while thanking all priests for garnering material and financial support towards the flood victims in Kodagu, said that the support will be ongoing as there are plans to build houses for those whose houses have been destroyed. A committee is in place to monitor these projects. The Archbishop suggested that when people contribute large amounts towards Church constructions ‘encourage them to give part of it towards building houses for the poor’