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Bangalore Archdiocesan Priests Choir Sings Glory to The Risen Lord

Writer's picture: BangaloreArchdioceseBangaloreArchdiocese

Bangalore, April 27, 2020: Music is a beautiful piece of art that can lift our moods, combat depression, improve blood flow, lower levels of stress and ease pain. One good thing about music is, when it hits you, you feel no pain.

This is precisely what our Archdiocesan Priests Choir did in an effort to light the ‘Candle of Hope’ to dispel the power of darkness and ‘Spread the Joy of Easter’ in songs of Praise to the Risen Lord. The event was organized at Paalanaa Bhavana Chapel on Sunday Evening at 7 pm and due to the lock down situation it was streamed live on Youtube. 

The Archdiocese of Bangalore guided by the inspirational leadership of Archbishop Most Rev Dr Peter Machado, in close coordination with the Diocesan Priests has conceptualised a series of programmes designed to 'beat the boredom' creatively and spiritually through liturgical programs for Adults and Children through all possible social-media platforms and other electronic media avenues. This musical program is one among a series of events planned.

The hymns were melodious and captivating.  It was delightful and soul touching. Grace and Solemnity embraced every song.  Truly it was a transcending experience listening to the beautiful songs. Vocally the singers had great tone and good control on the notes.  Archbishop in his message complimented the priests for this unique initiative and commended them for their efforts.

Among the many comments received, Vinod Jacob sent in his compliment, “Thank you so much Bishop and the father's of Bangalore Diocese. Lifted our spirits in these gloomy days”. Noel and Cecilia from St Patrick’s Parish had this to say, “Great presentation. We thank all the priests for their effort in singing with their hearts. God Bless them all abundantly”.

Addressing the numerous families watching the program on-line Archbishop Peter said, every adversity caused by the dreaded Corona virus has been converted into an opportunity.   Families and their household have been turned into a small Church.  We have no reason to be despondent or disappointed as Jesus has defeated the powers of darkness and has raised us with him in His resurrection to a new life.    Finally, the Prelate said the dreaded Corona virus cannot hold us captive as our Lord will role away this stone of dreaded virus too and set us free. He encouraged and exhorted the families to participate in large numbers in all the programmes of the Archdiocese.

The melodious choir comprised of Rev Dr Cyril Victor, Dr Christopher Vimalraj, Fr Clement Deep, Fr Arun Santhosh, Fr Hadlee Vimal & Bro Joe Prem Britto. Dr Mrs Maya Mascharenas assisted in music and Mr Eric Mascharenas was at hand in providing the sound arrangements.

It is said that music has a healing power and the ability to take people out of themselves. If that is true, then the Archdiocesan Priests Choir through their program today have done exactly that…..!

Full YouTube video can be viewed with this link


J A Kanthraj

PRO & Spokesperson

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