The Archbishop complimented the hospital managements for their tireless and selfless service rendered under most challenging circumstances and offered all help and support.
The hospital managements poured out their owes ranging from shortage of beds to lack of sufficient oxygen supply and poor financial reimbursements due from the government against the treatment offered to SAST patients.
The primary reason for this meeting was to:
- Start a central help-line to reach out the hapless victims and their kins in providing the information on management of the sickness, availability of bed and ventilator.
- Set up and help provide a temporary Covid care centre to Patients who are on the verge to recovery after the initial treatment in an effort to ease the pressure on the hospitals.
Towards this end Archbishop offered a school each to an hospital to set up as post-Covid care centres. The proposal was well received by all the members present and offered all help towards this end. Jacob John representing the Azim Premji foundation leadership offered suggestions and some financial support as well.
Fr Paul Parathazham, Director, St John’s Medical College Hospital expressed deep concern of the rapidly spiralling numbers which has caused a huge strain on the medical establishments and warned that we should be adequately prepared for bigger challenges if the current wave does not subside.
The meeting was adjourned to meet again on 27/28 of April by which time the heads of the hospital will have sufficient time to interact with their respective boards of the above proposal and come prepared for conclusive decision.
The following members attended the meeting.
Sr. Gracy Thomas RGS, Superior, St Martha’s Hospital
Sr. Elizabeth Rani K, JMJ Administrator, St Philomena’s Hospital
Sr. Shantha, Superior, St Theresa’s Hospital
Dr Naveen Thomas, Director, Baptist Hospital
Fr Christopher Vimalraj, Director, St Germain Academy
Fr Arokiaraj Satis Kumar, Chancellor, Archdiocese of Bangalore
Fr Cyril Victor Joseph Director, ACC, Fr Santosh Royan
Dr John Tharakan, Dr Olinda Timms, Dr Mrs Reginaseelan NGO
Mr Jacob Chacko, Mr Cyril Prabhu, Mr J A Kanthraj, PRO
Kindly post the recent transfers.