Bangalore, March 1st, 2022: “Ave Studios”, the newly designed multimedia studio of the Archdiocese of Bangalore was officially inaugurated on the 19th December by His Grace Archbishop Peter Machado, Archbishop of Bangalore, amidst hundreds of priests who on the same day, were gathered to make their recollection.
Ave Studios, which is complete with the installation of musical and technical instruments, is now open for operations for public. The Archdiocesan Communication Center (ACC), the commission under which the studio operates, held a thanksgiving program in order to acknowledge the donors, benefactors and well-wishers who contributed for its realization.
The thanksgiving program was held on March 1st, 2022 on the lawns of the Archbishop’s House at 6:00 pm. Film Actress Meghana Raj Sarja, Film Director Joe Simon, TV9 Media Director Mr. Clifford Pereira and Artist Andrew Jayapaul were the chief guests of the day.
Rt. Rev. Dr. Bernard Moras, Archbishop Emeritus of Bangalore graced the occasion as the guest of honor. Archbishop Peter Machado prayed and blessed the newly constructed “Ave Studios” and declared it open for the public.
Speaking about the Ave Studios, Archbishop Emeritus Bernard Moras remarked that the studio must be utilized for the pastoral needs of the Archdiocese. He narrated how the Archdiocesan Communication Center (ACC) travelled long years to become what it is today.
Archbishop Peter Machado hailed the continuous efforts of Rev. Dr. Cyril Victor Joseph, Director of the ACC, whose brainchild is the “Ave Studios.” He lauded the magnanimity of benefactors, donors and well-wishers who lovingly contributed for the realization of the new studio.
Rev. Dr. Cyril Victor while reminiscing the journey of “Ave Studios” said: “Rome was not built in one day, so as this studio. It took tremendous brainstorming, painstaking efforts, and indefatigable perseverance to reach the goal.” He also profusely thanked benefactors, donors and well-wishers who with generous hearts gave their bit to make this studio a possibility.
Mr. J A Kanthraj, PRO & Spokesperson of the Archdiocese of Bangalore, proposed the vote of thanks.
Rev. Dr. Cyril Victor and his media team invite all of you to make use of the services of Ave Studios which have very reasonable price. The Ave Studios is completely equipped with new and updated technology like Audio recording, video recording, mixing, editing, and other relevant technology in the field of performing arts.