Bangalore, October 1, 2019: On the onset of the Extraordinary Month of Mission the Archdiocesan commission for Proclamation and Evangelization headed by Secretary Rev. Fr. Anthony Prasad visited Sacred Heart Church, Siluvepura and preached there for 5 days.
Fr. Anthony Prasad speaking in his homily emphasized the importance of family, the celebration of Holy Eucharist and the presence of the Holy Spirit. There was adoration every evening after the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.Rev. Fr. Hrudaya Raj, parish priest spoke about Eucharist as the source and summit of Christian life without which we could not exist.
The members of the commission visited over 530 families in Fathimapura, Hesarghatta and Lourdunagara, adjacent substations belonging to Sacred Heart Church, Siluvepura.