Bangalore, July 29, 2022: A one-day orientation program for the newly appointed assistant parish priests of the Archdiocese of Bangalore was held on Tuesday, July 29, 2022 at Paalanaa Bhavana, the Pastoral Centre of the Archdiocese of Bangalore.
Archbishop Most Rev. Dr. Peter Machado, Vicars general Mgrs. S. Jayanathan and Msgr. Francis, Chancellor Fr. Arokiaraj Sathish Kumar and Newly appointed Assistant Parish Priests were present in the orientation program.
Addressing the newly-appointed assistant parish priests, the Archbishop gave 10 points for the assistant Parish Priests who have taken charge in their respective parishes recently.
Archbishop said “Study the Church, Office and other structures of the Parish like the institutions, to take care of the Liturgy, to take care of the Children, Altar Servers, Youth, Catechism, Catechesis, Animate Sacramental Celebrations like the Eucharist, Baptisms, Confessions, Marriage, Funerals, the presence of the Assistant Priest in the Office – extension of the pastoral presence, Helping the Parish Priests in financial, institutional and Pastoral matters, Preside over Association and Committee meetings, House and domestic matters and finally the Family visits which plays a major role in the pastoral ministry.”
The Chancellor in his address, spoke about the documentation for the different sacrament administered in the parish like marriage dossiers, registers etc. He also explained how the files have to be maintained in a meticulous way.
Compiled by:
Rev. Fr. Vivek Lionel Basu, Secretary to the Archbishop
Mr. Ajay Raj, PRO Office.