Bengaluru, March 25, 2023: The Solemnity of the Annunciation of our Lord on 25th March marks also the Pro-life day. On this remarkable day, the Family Welfare Commission of the Archdiocese under the leadership of Rev. Fr. Sunny Richard & team organized special programs for the nurses and doctors at Infant Jesus Church, Viveknagar.
His Grace, Most. Rev. Peter Machado celebrated the Holy Eucharist. Rev. Fr. Sunny Richard John (Secretary of Family Commission), Rev. Fr. Arun Santhosh (Joint-Secretary of Family Commission), Rev. Fr. Naveen Gladson (Joint-Secretary of Family Commission), Rev. Fr. Joseph Menezes (Parish Priest & rector, Infant Jesus Church), Parish Clergy and other priests concelebrated.
After the Holy Eucharistic Celebration, the Archbishop blessed the statue of Mother Mary at the entrance of the Church. A Cultural program was organized by the Family Welfare Commission on the Church premises. The doctors and nurses from the Catholic Hospitals were felicitated by the Archbishop for their selfless service and the statue of baby Jesus was given to all the representatives from the Catholic Hospitals and health centres as the symbol of Pro-life.